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物理系学术报告:Dark Matter and Higgs Bosons in MSSM

报告题目: Dark Matter and Higgs Bosons in MSSM 报 告 人: 韩涛              清华大学短期千人计划成员,美国匹茨堡大学物理天文系教授 报告时间: 2013-6-4  15:00 报告地点: 理科楼三楼报告厅 摘要: In the framework of the minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard model (MSSM), we search for solutions that (a) are consistent with the Higgs discovery and other collider searches; (b) satisfy the flavor constraints from B physics; (c) give a DM candidate with the correct thermal relic density; and (d) are allowed by the DM direct detection experiments. For the surviving models with our parameter scan, we find the following features: (1) Constraints from the Higgs sector and rare b decay measurements exclude the low mass region favored by the DAMA, CoGeNT, CRESST, and Super-CDMS experiments; (2) The relic density requirement clearly pins down the solutions from the Z and Higgs resonances (Z,h,H,A funnels) and co-annihilations; (3) Future direct search experiments will likely fully cover the Z,h funnel regions, and H,A funnel regions as well except for the "blind spots"; (4) The branching fraction for the SM-like Higgs decay to DM can be as high as 10%, while those from heavier Higgs decays to neutralinos and charginos can be as high as 20%. Our results show that collider searches provide valuable information complementary to what may be obtained from direct detections and astro-particle observations, and that the Higgs bosons may play an essential role. 个人简介: 韩涛教授是当前美国最活跃的粒子理论学家之一,其科研成果在该领域的理论及实验上都很有影响。他曾任美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校物理系教授及基本粒子研究所所长,现任美国匹茨堡大学物理天文系教授,粒子物理天体物理宇宙学中心主任。他是美国物理学会Fellow ,中科院Kavli 理论研究所顾问委员会委员,现任Physical Review D杂志和“高能物理与核物理”编辑部的编委。曾获得美国国家SSCFellowship,Fermilab Frontier Fellowship,德国DESY Guest Professorship,Wisconsin 大学H.I. Romnes Faculty Fellowship,国家自然科学基金委海外杰出青年奖。他2004-2007年任清华大学物理系长江讲座教授,是清华大学高能物理中心学术委员,为清华大学高能物理学科的发展建设以及青年教师、员工的培养提供了许多宝贵的建议,做了大量重要工作。

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