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物理系学术报告:Towards the Little Bang Standard Model

报告题目: Towards the Little Bang Standard Model 报 告 人: Prof. Ulrich Heinz,  The Ohio State University 报告时间: 7月5日,周五,下午15:00 报告地点: 理科楼C109 摘要: The Little Bangs created in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions share many characteristic features with the cosmological evolution after the Big Bang. I will demonstrate how quantum fluctuations in the initial state of the Little Bang propagate via hydrodynamic evolution (supplemented by an early pre-equilibrated thermalization and a late kinetic freeze-out stage) into the experimentally observed final state, manifesting themselves as fluctuations in the final flow pattern. A harmonic analysis of the final flows, their transverse momentum dependence and their flow angles (the "Little Bang flow fluctuation spectrum") provides detailed information from which the spectrum of gluon fluctuations in the initial state and the transport coefficients of the quark-gluon plasma fluid created in the collisions can be quantitatively extracted.

版权所有 量子物质科学协同创新中心
