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报告人: 朱湘东 时间: 2018年11月28日下午3点 地点: 物理大楼中312 Abstract: A solid surface breaks translational symmetry along the normal direction. As a result, it can (but not always) support waves that are confined to and travel only along the surface. These surface-bound waves sometimes have unique characteristics and utility not found in their bulk counterparts. I examine (not inventing) three vastly different localized waves under same light, namely, with an intention to identify a common approach to these waves starting from wave equations that prescribe well-known solutions in the bulk. I will specialize in two examples for their excitations and applications: electromagnetic waves at metal surface (surface plasmon polariton waves) and spin-polarized electron waves at the surface of a topological insulator. 朱湘东教授简历: 现任加州大学戴维斯分校物理系教授。1982年本科毕业于永利集团物理系。1981年入加州大学伯克利分校攻读实验凝聚态物理。1989年获物理博士。同年受聘于加州大学戴维斯分校物理系做助教授。1993年升副教授。1998年升正教授。2001年起任中科院物理所光学实验室客座教授。2007年选入美国物理学会会士(Fellow of American Physical Society)。2011年选入美国光学学会会士(Fellow of Optical Society of America)。
联系人: 胡晓东, 62767621,

版权所有 量子物质科学协同创新中心
