2018-04-11 |
北大yl8cc永利官网举办 |
Superconductivity in Sr2RuO4 |
2018-04-09 |
北大yl8cc永利官网举办 |
Pursuing novel electronic states in two-dimensional chalcogenides, perovskite oxides, and their heterostructures |
2018-04-04 |
北大yl8cc永利官网举办 |
Atomic-Layer Superconductors with Molecule-based van der Waals Heterostructures and the Rashba Effect |
2018-04-04 |
北大yl8cc永利官网举办 |
A cascade of phase transitions in an orbitally mixed half-filled Landau level |
2018-03-29 |
北大yl8cc永利官网举办 |
类脑计算及其核心器件 |
2018-03-28 |
北大yl8cc永利官网举办 |
Plastic Deformation in a Quantum Solid: Dislocation Avalanches and Creep in Helium |
2018-03-22 |
北大yl8cc永利官网举办 |
Open quantum systems: relaxation and decoherence |
2018-03-21 |
北大yl8cc永利官网举办 |
Unusual “normal state” of cuprates: a Bose liquid descriptions on Bad metal, Non-fermi liquid, kink, and pseudogap phase |
2018-03-14 |
北大yl8cc永利官网举办 |
Advanced fiber-optic ultrafast sources for multiphoton microscopy |
2018-03-08 |
北大yl8cc永利官网举办 |
半导体性碳纳米管的可控制备、快速表征与应用 |
2018-03-07 |
北大yl8cc永利官网举办 |
2018 China Night |
2018-03-01 |
北大yl8cc永利官网举办 |
Nonlinear Photonics and Optoelecteonics of 2D Materials |
2018-02-28 |
北大yl8cc永利官网举办 |
A Comprehensive phase diagram of the square lattice spin-1/2 J1-J2 Heisenberg Antiferromagnet |
2018-01-30 |
北大yl8cc永利官网举办 |
Divergent bulk photovoltaic effects in Weyl semimetals |
2018-01-15 |
北大yl8cc永利官网举办 |
Quantum Loop Topography for Machine learning -- on topological phase, phase transitions, and beyond |
2018-01-10 |
北大yl8cc永利官网举办 |
Topological engineering in Pr2Ir2O7 |
2017-12-28 |
北大yl8cc永利官网举办 |
二维材料的设计、合成与表征 |
2017-12-27 |
北大yl8cc永利官网举办 |
Modulation of Transport Properties at Oxide Heterostructures |
2017-12-22 |
北大yl8cc永利官网举办 |
High order correlations and what we can learn about the solution for many body problems from experiment |
2017-12-21 |
北大yl8cc永利官网举办 |
The Hall Effects Edwin Hall Never Imagined |