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2013-05-24 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 Massive Dirac surface states in topological insulator/magnetic insulator heterostructures
2013-05-23 清华高研院举办 1. Kuramoto model of syncing; 2. Galois Theory
2013-05-23 清华物理系举办 量子反常霍尔效应的实验观测
2013-05-23 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 Photoelectric Effect - A Century of Discovery and Innovation
2013-05-22 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 Incompressible Quantum Glass state and Pair Supersolid state of BosonsIncompressible Quantum Glass state and Pair Supersolid state of Bosons
2013-05-22 清华高研院举办 Superfluidity in one dimension as a dynamical phenomenon
2013-05-21 清华物理系举办 Zero-Width Resonances for a Control of Molecular Photodissociation
2013-05-21 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 Novel Photonics Technologies for Biomedical Applications
2013-05-21 清华物理系举办 Adiabatic versus Diabatic Models and Coupled Channel Treatments for Diatomic Molecules
2013-05-16 清华高研院举办 Wilson ratio of Fermi gases in one dimension
2013-05-16 清华物理系举办 Proximity Effect Induced Topological Superconductor and Signature of Majorana Modes
2013-05-15 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 Multiferroics and Magnetoelectric effects
2013-05-15 清华高研院举办 Heat transport and magnetic phase transitions of low-dimensional quantum magnets
2013-05-14 清华高研院举办 Globalization, Science and Technology and the Public Good
2013-05-13 清华高研院举办 基于光与冷原子的量子物理与量子信息
2013-05-10 清华物理系举办 How to write a successful journal article and get it published
2013-05-09 清华高研院举办 1. Hopfield神经网络与联想记忆; 2. Information Theory
2013-05-09 清华高研院举办 Solvable Lattice Gas Models With Three Phases
2013-05-09 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 Positron Interactions at Low Energies
2013-05-08 清华高研院举办 Observation of thermally activated vortex pairs in a quasi-2D Bose gas

版权所有 量子物质科学协同创新中心
