【凝聚态物理-永利集团论坛 2024年第12期(总594期)】Intrinsic and Extrinsic Time-Reversal-Odd Nonlinear Hall Effects
主讲人: 肖聪 教授 (澳门大学)
地点: 物理大楼西563会议室
时间: 2023年5月23日(星期四) 下午3:00-4:30
主持 联系人: 吴孝松 xswu@pku.edu.cn
主讲人简介: 肖聪,博士毕业于yl8cc永利官网,师从李定平教授和马中水教授,后在UT Austin随牛谦教授做博士后,在香港大学姚望教授组做研究助理教授。2023年8月至今为澳门大学应用物理与材料工程研究院助理教授。主要从事反常热电输运、自旋相关输运,非线性输运,非线性自旋电子学,二维材料层电子学等研究。迄今作为第一作者或通讯作者发表论文30余篇,包括Physical Review Letters 8篇,Nature Communications 2篇。担任Physical Review Letters,Physical Review X,Nature Electronics, Science Advances等期刊审稿人。


Intrinsic time-reversal-odd nonlinear Hall effect determined solely by Bloch band geometry has attracted extensive interests since the theoretical proposal of combining it with antiferromagnetic spintronics and the experimental observations in few-layer MnBiTe4. However, possible extrinsic contributions and their interplay with the intrinsic one have not been understood. Moreover, even the concept of nonlinear “intrinsic” contribution itself is still unclear, which has led to very recent theoretical and experimental debates. I will first introduce our recent work on the scaling law for time-odd second order nonlinear transport [1], which provides a basic tool for data analysis in low-frequency experiments. Then I will show some new understandings on the concept of nonlinear intrinsic transport and the prediction of high-frequency isolation of intrinsic response in a specific material [2].


[1] Y.-X. Huang, C. Xiao*, S. A. Yang*, and X. Li*, arXiv:2311.01219

[2] C. Xiao*, J. Cao, Q. Niu, and S. A. Yang, to appear on arXiv