







  1. 多思考:勤于思考是创新的源泉;

  2. 多总结:归纳总结是创新的基础;

  3. 多讨论:交流讨论是创新的火花;

  4. 多实验:设计实验是创新的过程。



主 讲 人:安然(光学01级直博)导 师:龚旗煌教授、李焱教授研究方向:飞秒科学报告题目:透明材料中的飞秒激光微纳制备沙龙时间:11月5日上午10:00沙龙地点:物理大楼中212安然br/>科研简历:安然,yl8cc永利官网光学专业01级直博生,师从龚旗煌教授、李焱教授,从事飞秒科学研究,已在国际性的学术刊物上发表数篇学术论文。发表论文为:

  • An Ran, Li Yan*, Dou Yanping, Fang Ying, Yang Hong, Gong Qihuang**, “Laser micro-hole drilling of soda-lime glass with femtosecond pulses”, Chin. Phys. Lett., 21(2004) 2465-2468.

  • Ran An, Yan Li*, Yanping Dou, Hong Yang, and Qihuang Gong**, “Simultaneous multi-microhole drilling of soda-lime glass by water-assisted ablation with femtosecond laser pulses”, Opt. Express., 13( 2005)1855-1859.

  • Ran An, Yan Li*, Yanping Dou, Dayong Liu, Hong Yang, and Qihuang Gong**, “Water-assisted drilling of microfluidic chambers inside silica glass with femtosecond laser pulses”, accepted by Appl. Phys. A.

报告摘要:飞秒激光具有极短的脉冲宽度和极高的峰值功率,不仅可以加工硬度或熔点极高的材料,而且可以通过多光子过程在玻璃和聚合物等透明材料中诱导出微结构,并且具有精确的损伤阈值,很小的热影响区域,能够进行亚衍射极限精度的制备和加工。因此近年来飞秒激光在微制备和微加工领域已引起了人们广泛的兴趣。通过使聚焦的飞秒脉冲只在焦点处的能流密度超过材料结构变化阈值,能够在透明材料的任何位置实现超精细三维结构的制备。例如,利用飞秒激光辐照诱导的折射率变化制作波导、光栅、耦合器等;利用材料内部的微爆炸实现三维存储和其它三维点阵结构的制备;通过界面烧蚀进行打孔、切割和刻蚀;利用飞秒光辐照区域更易被化学药剂选择性腐蚀,实现微通道与微流体器件的制备;以及利用双光子聚合制备光子晶体、二元光学元件和微光机电器件等。可以预见,随着飞秒激光技术和材料研究的不断进步与成熟,飞秒激光微纳制备技术必将在微电子、微光学、微光电子学以及生物医学、航天科学等许多领域展现出更加广阔的前景。Femtosecond laser offers ultrashort pulse width, which makes it easy to achieve extreme high peak intensity with low pulse energy. Nonlinear multiphoton absorption takes place during the femtosecond laser–matter interaction due to high enough intensity. Therefore, femtosecond laser processing has the advantages including deterministic material modification and damage thresholds, smaller heat-affected zones and the ability to machine sub-diffraction-limit target regions. This has encouraged increasing interest in the use of femtosecond lasers for precise micro/nano-structuring of a wide range of materials. When femtosecond laser pulses were focused by an objective lens with a high numerical aperture, various three-dimensional structures can be fabricated at arbitrary position of a transparent medium. Femtosecond laser-induced refractive index change is applied to fabricate waveguides, gratings and couplers. Microexplosion inside materials was used for three-dimensional bit-oriented storage and fabrication of other dot-arrayed structures; Drilling, cutting and etching are carried out by interface ablation; Microchannels and microfluidic devices are processed due to femtosecond laser modified regions preferentially etched away by chemical solution. Photonic crystals, binary optical elements and microelectromechanical systems are achieved by femtosecond laser two-photon polymerization. Obviously, with the progress of ultrafast laser technology and material science, femtosecond laser micro/nano-fabrication technique will play a more important role in applications of microelectronics, microphotonics, biomedicine and aerospace.