








主 讲 人:龙文辉(理论核物理2000级直博)导 师:孟杰教授, Nguyen Van Giai教授研究方向:相对论Hartree-Fock理论及其应用报告题目:密度依赖的相对论Hartree-Fock理论沙龙时间:12月3日下午4:00沙龙地点:物理大楼中212龙文辉br/>科研简历:龙文辉,yl8cc永利官网理论核物理2000级直博生,已发表论文有:

  • Long Wenhui, Meng Jie, Nguyen Van Giai and Zhou Shan-Gui,New effective interactions in RMF theory with nonlinear terms and density-dependent meson-nucleon coupling.Physical Review C 69: 034319(2004)

  • Long Wenhui, Meng Jie, Zhou Shan-Gui,Structure of the new nuclide259Db and its α-decay daughter nuclei.Physical Review C 65: 047306 (2002)

  • Meng Jie, H. Toki, S. G. Zhou, S. Q. Zhang, Long Wenhui, L. S. Geng,Relativistic Continuum Hartree Bogoliubov theory for Ground State Properties of Exotic Nuclei.Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, accepted (2005)

  • Meng Jie, Ban Shufang, Li Jun, Long Wenhui, Lu Hongfeng, Shen Gang, Zhang Shuangquan, Zhang Shisheng, Zhang Wei, Zhou Shan-Gui,New effective interactions, new symmetry and new states in atomic nuclei.High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics 28: 1291-1296(2004)

  • Meng Jie, Ban Shufang, Li Jun, Long Wenhui, Lu Hongfeng, Zhang Shuangquan, Zhang Wei, Zhou Shan-Gui,Relativistic description of exotic nuclei and nuclear matter at extreme conditions.Physics of Atomic Nuclei 67: 1619-1626 (2004)

  • Long Wenhui,Meng Jie,Zhou Shan-Gui,Study of259Db and its α-decay chain with RMF theory.Hign Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics 26: 823-830(2002)

报告摘要:在含密度依赖的介子-核子耦合的有效拉氏量中,通过量子化哈密顿量,建立了密度依赖的相对论Hartree-Fock近似理论(DDRHF)。Fock项的引入使得平均场不再是局域的,从而大大增加了数值计算的难度。在完成了相关理论公式的推导之后,建立了DDRHF近似对核物质以及球形原子核的相关计算程序。根据核物质和原子核的性质,调试给出了该理论的三组有效相互作用:包含σ-, ω-, ρ-和π-介子的PKO1和PKO3,包含σ-, ω-和ρ-介子的PKO2。利用PKO1、PKO2和PKO3:1)系统研究了核物质与球形原子核的性质,并与相关实验数据以及RMF理论的计算结果比较,得到了令人满意的结果;2) 系统研究了有效质量的相关性质,DDRHF近似给出了与实验和Dirac-Brueckner Hartree-Fock计算结果一致的有效质量的同位旋相关性;3) 探讨了不同的介子对核子-核子间相互作用的贡献,在此基础上给出了单π-介子交换的贡献。In the effective Lagrangian with density-dependent meson-nucleon couplings, the Hartree-Fock approximation is obtained by quantizing the Hamiltonian, which is the Hartree-Fock extension of RMF theory with density-dependent meson-nucleon couplings. The contributions from pion meson can be studied within this frame. The Fock terms are nonlocal and hence increase the numerical difficulties. In this thesis, all the expressions of DDRHF approach are systematically derived (the details are given in the appendices) and the codes for the calculations of nuclear matter and spherical nuclei are constructed. By fitting the properties of nuclear matter and spherical nuclei, we obtained the effective interactions: PKO1 and PKO3 with σ-, ω-, ρ- and π- mesons, PKO2 σ-, ω- and ρ-mesons. With PKO1, PKO 2 and PKO 3, we studied the properties of nuclear matter and spherical nuclei in comparison with the corresponding experimental data and the results calculated with RMF theory, and obtained satisfactory descriptions of nuclear matter and spherical nuclei. The nucleon effective mass has been studied in detail, and we show that the DDRHF approach improves the description of the effective mass and its isospin dependence. The contributions from π-meson are discussed.