



1. 引力理论,时间空间对称性

2. 引力波

3. 脉冲星,脉冲时间信号

4. 利用脉冲星探测引力波

5. 广义相对论正确与否?

6. 现在的局限

7. 中国引力波探测的前景

报告结束后,他认真回答了同学的提问,在科研工作方面与在场的同学进行了深入的交流,并总结了自己的科研心得:不要着急发表文章, 给自己一点时间成长起来。认定一个好的方向要坚持做下去。



主 讲 人:李柯伽研究方向:高能天体物理报告题目:脉冲星探测非爱因斯坦引力波及引力理论检验沙龙时间:2009年5月8日星期五15:00—17:00沙龙地点:物理楼南408报告人简历:1999—2003 yl8cc永利官网(本科)

2003—2006 yl8cc永利官网(硕士生)

2006—今 yl8cc永利官网(博士生)相关工作(已发表或待发表的论文,论文引用次数,刊物影响因子):

  1. Pulsar Timing as a Probe of Non-Einsteinian Polarizations of Gravitational Waves

    Lee, K. J.; Jenet, F. A.; Price, Richard H.

    2008, The Astrophysical Journal, 685, 1304


  2. TEMPO2, a new pulsar timing package. III: Gravitational wave simulation

    G.B. Hobbs, F. A. Jenet, K.J.Lee, J. P. W. Verbiest, D. Yardley, R. Manchester, A. Lommen, W. Coles, R. Edwards, C. Shettigara

    2009, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,

    影响因子: 5.249

  3. Gravitational wave detection using pulsars: status of the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array project

    Hobbs, G. B.; Bailes, M.; Bhat, N. D. R.; Burke-Spolaor, S.; Champion, D. J.; Coles, W.; Hotan, A.; Jenet, F.; Kedziora-Chudczer, L.; Khoo, J.; Lee, K. J.; Lommen, A.; Manchester, R. N.; Reynolds, J.; Sarkissian, J.; van Straten, W.; To, S.; Verbiest, J. P. W.; Yardley, D.; You, X. P.

    2009, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan

    影响因子: 1.4

  4. 刚性转子双端动平衡

    李柯伽.; 廖凯; 曹帙峰; 李昆. 魏明霞

    2007, 水利电力机械, 29卷, 第3期

    本文为中文刊物, 非SCI.

  5. An Annular Gap Acceleration Model for γ-ray Emission of Pulsars

    Qiao, Guo-Jun; Lee, Ke-Jia; Zhang, Bing; Wang, Hong-Guang; Xu, Ren-Xin

    2007, Chinese Journal of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol. 7, p. 496-502

    影响因子: 0.652

  6. PSR B2111+46: a test of the inverse Compton scattering model of radio emission

    Zhang, H.; Qiao, G. J.; Han, J. L.; Lee, K. J.; Wang, H. G.

    2007, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 465, 525-531

    影响因子: 4.259

  7. Detecting the Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background Using Pulsar Timing

    F. A. Jenet,; G.B. Hobbs, K. J. Lee, R. N. Manchester.

    2005, The Astrophysical Journal, 625L, 123J


  8. On the electrodynamics of counter stream in pulsar’s inner annular cap region

    Lee, K. J.; Qiao, G. J.; Wang, H. G.; Xu, R. X.

    2008, Advances in Space Research, Volume 41, Issue 1, p. 180-182.


  9. A study on emission geometry and the separation of peaks in the γ-ray pulse profiles of pulsar

    K.J. Lee, G.J. Qiao, H.G. Wang and R.X. Xu

    2006, Advances in Space Research, Volumn 37, Issue 10, p. 1988-1991


  10. A Model for the Challenging ``Bi-drifting'/info/1120/' Phenomenon in PSR J0815+09

    Qiao, G. J.; Lee, K. J.; Zhang, B.; Xu, R. X.; Wang, H. G., 2004

    2004, The Astrophysical Journal Letter,616L, 127


  11. The Inner Annular Gap for Pulsar Radiation: Gamma-Ray and Radio Emission

    Qiao, G. J.; Lee, K. J.; Wang, H. G.; Xu, R. X.; Han, J. L., 2004

    2004, The Astrophysical Journal Letter, 606L, 49



  1. Radio and γ-ray emissions from pulsars: possible observational tests

    Qiao, G. J.; Lee, K. J.; Wang, H. G.; Xu, R. X.; Zhang, B.

    ASTROPHYSICS OF COMPACT OBJECTS: International Conference on Astrophysics of Compact Objects. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 968, pp. 115-120 (2008)

  2. 脉冲星和引力波


    香山科学会议报告,2006, 香山科学会议主编, ISBN: 978780209385

  3. A Model of Pulsar Radio and Gamma-ray Emissions

    Qiao, G. J.; Lee, K. J.; Wang, H. G.; Xu, R. X.

    The Seventh Pacific Rim Conference on Stellar Astrophysics, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 362, Proceedings of the conference held 1-5 November, 2005 in Sejong University, Seoul, Korea. Edited by Y.W. Kang, H.-W. Lee, K.-C. Leung, and K.-S. Cheng.

  4. Inner Annular Gap and Related Topics

    Lee, K. J.; Qiao, G. J.; Wang, H. G.; Zhang, B.; Xu, R. X.

    Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Supplement, Volume 6, Issue S2, Proceedings of the 2005 Lake Hanas International Pulsar Symposium. Editors: N. Wang, R. N. Manchester, B. J. Rickett and A. Esamdin., p.120-125

    影响因子: 0.652

  5. A Joint Model for Radio and γ-ray Emission from Pulsars

    Qiao, G. J.; Lee, K. J.; Wang, H. G.; Xu, R. X., 2003

    High Energy Processes and Phenomena in Astrophysics, Proceedings of the 214th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union held at Suzhou, China, 6-10 August, 2002. Edited by X.D. Li, V. Trimble, and Z.R. Wang. Published on behalf of the IAU by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2003., p.167

  6. Radio and Gamma-ray Emission from Pulsars

    Qiao, G. J.; Lee, K. J.; Wang, H. G.; Xu, R. X., 2002

    Radio Pulsars, ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 302. Held 26-29 August 2002 at Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Crete, Greece. Edited by Matthew Bailes, David J. Nice and Stephen E. Thorsett. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2003. ISBN: 1-58381-151-6, p.183

  7. A Further Investigation on the Central Beam of PSR B1237+25

    Qiao, G. J.; Li, K. J.; Wang, H. G.; Xu, R. X.; Liu, J. F., 2002

    Proceedings of Sino-Germany Radio Astronomy Conference Radio Studies of Galactic Objects, Galaxies and AGNs, held 18-25 July, 2002 in Xi'an, China. Edited by J.L. Han, X.H. Sun, J. Yang, and R. Wielebinski. Published in Supplement Issue, Acta Astronomica Sinica, Vol. 44., p.230-234

  8. Magnetosphere Structure and the annular gap model of pulsars

    G.J. Qiao, K.J.Lee, H.G. Wang and R.X.Xu

    Turbulence, Dynamos, Accretion Disks, Pulsars and Collective Plasma Processes, India, 2008. Edited by Hasan, Gangadhara, Krishan. Published by Springer

报告摘要:爱因斯坦的广义相对论预言了两种引力波的偏振模式. 然而一般的引力理论预言多达六种的偏振模式. 地面激光干涉仪一般被设计成探测广义相对论体系中的引力波, 因此对于探测其他偏振模式的引力波将无能为力. 我们发现利用脉冲星阵列将可以探测其他引力理论的引力波. 我们构造了一般的引力波的数学基础, 在这个基础上我们计算这些不同模式的引力波对脉冲星到达时间的影响. 我们发现如果能够获得5年100ns精度的脉冲星数据, 将有可能探测到双黑洞背景的引力波.