VCP winners of July 2012 and Announcement for applications of September 2012
发布日期:2012-08-26 浏览次数:


Bo Reipurth (University of Hawaii; visiting Yuefang Wu/Thijs Kouwenhoven): 10,000 RMB for his flight; 3-week visit

Tong Hao (Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory; visiting Renxin Xu): 16,200 RMB for food/lodging; 2-month visit

Announcement for applications of September 2012

This announces a call for applications for the KIAA-DoA Visiting Collaborators Program. The program is intended to help facilitate your collaborations with people at other institutes by supporting >1 month visits to PKU. Any faculty member or postdoc at the KIAA or DoA at PKU can apply.

Our next deadline is 6 September 2012. We are pleased to have supported two programs in our previous call, with details above.


Goal: To facilitate collaborations between PKU astronomers (DoA and KIAA) and researchers at other institutes. The visiting collaborator and host should be actively working on a project that is expected to lead to publication.

Who can apply: DoA and KIAA faculty and postdocs. The visitor is expected to be based in an office at the KIAA. Researchers outside PKU are encouraged to contact DoA and KIAA faculty and postdocs for applying this program.

Funding: Expected to cover food and lodging. Train/airfare may be possible in exceptional cases, with justification.

Length of collaborator visit: Expected to be at least one month. Partial requests for more lengthy stays may be awarded.

Deadline: 6 September 2012. We will have four deadlines per year on 1 June, 1 September, 1 December, 1 March.

Responsilities of Proposer: If funding is awarded, a short summary is due within 2 weeks of the end of the collaborator's visit and again 6-12 months later; provide the necessary receipts; inform the VCP upon cancellation of a visit that has been funded.

Visiting Collaborator Program Committee: Greg Herczeg, Zhuo Li, Thijs Kouwenhoven, Renxin Xu, Sakurako Okamoto

Please submit application to by 6 September 2012

Home Institute of Visitor:
Current Position of Visitor:
History of collaboration:
Approximate dates, length of stay:

Research and Publication Plan (1-2 paragraphs)

Itemized Budget (please include approximate cost of hotel and per diem)