物院论坛(第十五讲):Jörg Wrachtrup教授应邀做客yl8cc永利官网学术论坛,讲述“二维和三维材料中自旋相关的量子物理”
发布日期:2022-05-15 浏览次数:
  供稿:边珂  |   编辑:孙嘉琪   |   审核:江颖、徐莉梅

2022年5月13日,yl8cc永利官网学术论坛2022年春季学期第三讲(总第十五讲)在线上成功举行。德国斯图加特大学Jörg Wrachtrup教授应邀做了题为“二维和三维材料中的自旋相关的量子物理”(Quantum Physics with Spins in 2D and 3D Materials)的学术报告。本次论坛由yl8cc永利官网量子材料科学中心教授、轻元素先进材料研究中心主任江颖主持。本次讲座ZOOM会议室上线100余人,通过蔻享学术平台观看直播的观众逾4000人次。

Jörg Wrachtrup教授着重阐述了基于金刚石氮-空位色心(NV center)的量子传感技术的原理,及其在二维和三维材料中关于电子/核自旋探测与调控的应用。首先,NV可以直接通过荧光强度读取其自旋量子态,得益于NV优异的相干性,研究者可以在室温大气下实现单个电子/核自旋和元电荷的探测灵敏度;将金刚石针尖结合原子力显微镜系统,可实现二维磁性材料的纳米尺度磁成像,并突破传统磁光探测技术的空间分辨极限,例如,该技术清楚地揭示了转角CrI3的摩尔磁序。进一步,借助先进的相干操纵和量子算法,通过NV色心可以实现单层氮化硼材料的纳米级核磁共振探测。最后,Wrachtrup教授详细介绍了利用NV色心实现原子核自旋超极化的工作原理,展示其在二维自旋系统(如氮化硼的核自旋网络)中的应用,并对其在未来实现基于自旋网络的量子模拟进行了展望。

报告结束后,参会师生围绕纳米尺度核磁共振和原子核自旋超极化等工作踊跃提问,Jörg Wrachtrup教授一一给予了深入浅出的解答。



Jörg Wrachtrup, professor and director of the 3rd Institute of Physics (since 2000) and the Center for Applied Quantum Technology (since 2016), both of the University of Stuttgart, as well as Max Planck fellow at the MPI for Solid State Research Stuttgart, has pioneered the field of single-spin physics by initiating the very first single electron and subsequently the first single nuclear spins experiments. By combining optics and spin resonance, he discovered defects in insulators, most notably defects in diamond, as a valuable system for quantum information processing in a novel type of quantum sensor for electric and magnetic fields. He and his group pioneered application of these novel sensor techniques. His current research interest is geared towards application of quantum enhanced sensing in biomedical as well as material sciences.

Professor Wrachtrup has published more than 300 papers in refereed journals with numerous Nature and Science papers, plus reviews in both journals over the past years. In 2011 and 2017, he was awarded two Advanced Research Grants of the European Research Council, in 2012 he received the Leibniz Prize of the German Science Foundation, the Bruker Prize in 2013 and the Max Planck Research Award in 2014. Jörg Wrachtrup has been awarded the Europhysics Prize Award of the European Physical Society and the Gold medal of the International Society for Electron Spin Resonance in 2020. He is a member of the Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Science and has continuously been listed as a “Highly Cited Researcher” since 2014.

