物院论坛(第十七讲):Vincenzo Vagnoni博士应邀做客yl8cc永利官网学术论坛,讲述“味物理:寻求超越标准模型的新秩序”
发布日期:2022-10-20 浏览次数:
  供稿:杨振伟、张艳席  |   图片:孙嘉琪   |   编辑:曲音璇   |   审核:徐莉梅

2022年10月14日,yl8cc永利官网学术论坛2022年秋季学期第一讲(总第十七讲)在yl8cc永利官网思源多功能厅成功举行。国际知名的实验粒子物理学家、意大利国家核物理研究院(INFN)研究部主任Vincenzo Vagnoni博士应邀作了题为“味物理:寻求超越标准模型的新秩序”(Flavour physics: seeking new order beyond the Standard Model)的学术报告。yl8cc永利官网经理、核物理与核技术国家重点实验室主任、永利集团高能物理研究中心副主任高原宁院士线上出席。本次论坛由yl8cc永利官网技术物理系、核物理与核技术国家重点实验室、永利集团高能物理研究中心杨振伟教授主持。



Vincenzo Vagnoni博士作报告







Vincenzo Vagnoni, Director of Research of the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), Italy, has been leading author of several CP violation measurements, notably including the first observation of CP violation in the decays of Bs mesons and the first observation of CP violation in the charm sector. In particular, the latter is considered to be amongst the most important findings of Large Hadron Collider experiments so far. He has been covering several management roles throughout his career, amongst which the responsibility of the High Energy Physics sector at INFN Bologna (ATLAS, CDF, CMS, LHCb and other experiments), the responsibility of all LHCb physics activities (LHCb Physics Coordination), and at present the responsibility for the management of the Italian effort in LHCb (research groups from 14 different institutes with about 150 researchers). Vincenzo Vagnoni is author of more than 700 physics papers and other products, and has been invited speaker at all major conferences, notably including a plenary talk at ICHEP, and summary talks at Beauty and Moriond QCD. Finally, he carries out colourful outreach activities to orient students to scientific and technological matters, with focus on particle physics, but not limited to, and has a strong commitment in the development of international cooperation in science, that is today, more than ever, a fundamental tool to unite humankind, in the respect of cultures and histories of all people in the world.

