CMS Status and Outlook.CMS Detector Introduction
主讲人: Prof. Roberto Carlin & Prof. Tommaso Tabarelli de Fatis
地点: yl8cc永利官网西楼202
时间: 2019年12月13日(周五)上午10点30


CMS experiment is one of two large general-purpose particle physics detectors built on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Switzerland and France. The goal of the experiment includes the search for the Higgs boson, extra dimensions, and new physics beyond the Standard Model. The first talk will summarize the overall status of the CMS experiment in recent years, and provide an outlook of the CMS experiment including the future physics target and upgrading.

In the second lecture, an introduction to the CMS detector will be provided, with a discussion of the design concept and the principles that have inspired the general layout of CMS and the technical choices. The main detector components will be described, with examples of their performance and of some limitations, as well as with a glance at the future and at the planned detector upgrades.


Roberto Carlin教授,CMS实验组发言人。1989年获得意大利帕多瓦大学博士学位,现为帕多瓦大学教授及INFN研究员。在ZEUS和CMS等实验项目中做出重大贡献,曾担任ZEUS和CMS实验的触发负责人,ZEUS实验副发言人,CMS实验副发言人及发言人。

Tommaso Tabarelli de Fatis, 1993年获得米兰大学物理学博士学位,现为米兰必可卡大学教授,高能物理实验探测器专家。曾先后担任CMS实验电磁量能器DPG召集人及项目总负责人,现为CMS升级项目Timing Detector负责人。
