Probing cosmic reionization using high-redshift quasars and galaxies
主讲人: Linhua Jiang (永利集团)
地点: Remote talk
时间: 2022年12月8日(星期四)15:30—16:30
主持 联系人: Ran Wang(rwangkiaa@pku.edu.cn)
主讲人简介: Linhua Jiang is a faculty member at the Department of Astronomy and the Kavli Institute at Peking University. He obtained his B.S. and M.S. degrees from Peking University, and then obtained his Ph.D. degree from University of Arizona in 2008. He joined Peking University in 2014. Professor Jiang has a broad range of research interests in extragalactic astronomy, including high-redshift quasars and supermassive black holes, high-redshift galaxies and galaxy clusters, and their implications to cosmic reionization.

报告摘要Cosmic reionization marks the latest phase transition of the IGM in the early Universe. High-redshift (redshift around 6 or higher) quasars and galaxies are powerful tools to probe this epoch. I will review how the absorption spectra of quasars and the statistical properties of galaxies (particularly Lyman-alpha emitting galaxies) are used to estimate the IGM state during the reionization epoch. Then I will explain the important energy source problem, i.e., what astrophysical sources provided ionizing photons for reionization. In the end I will briefly mention what future facilities may help us better understand the reionization.

主讲人简介Linhua Jiang is a faculty member at the Department of Astronomy and the Kavli Institute at Peking University. He obtained his B.S. and M.S. degrees from Peking University, and then obtained his Ph.D. degree from University of Arizona in 2008. He joined Peking University in 2014. Professor Jiang has a broad range of research interests in extragalactic astronomy, including high-redshift quasars and supermassive black holes, high-redshift galaxies and galaxy clusters, and their implications to cosmic reionization.


Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/84019952918?pwd=V09zK2YyL1VWMzZLTmkrQ1NZanNEQT09

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