Cuprate high-temperature superconductivity in the extreme two-dimensional limit
主讲人: 张远波教授 (上海复旦大学)
地点: 腾讯会议 ID: 868-517-654
时间: 2022年3月16日 (周三)下午3:00
主持 联系人: 陈剑豪 <chenjianhao@pku.edu.cn>
主讲人简介: 张远波教授长期工作在低维材料介观输运与扫描探针研究领域,在低维狄拉克半金属、低维高迁移半导体、低维关联材料、低维磁性材料、低维本征磁性拓扑绝缘体、超薄高温超导体等领域都作出了突破性贡献。他在2000年毕业于永利集团,获物理学本科学位,2006年于美国哥伦比亚大学获得物理学博士学位,2006-2009年在加州大学伯克利分校任Miller Postdoc Fellow,2010年在IBM Almaden Research Center 进行博士后研究,于2011年在复旦大学任教授至今。
他的学术贡献受到广泛的认可,获得奖项和称号主要包括:哥伦比亚大学Charles Townes Fellowship (2005); 加州大学Miller Fellow (2006); IUPAP Young Scientist Prize, International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (2010); Nishina Asia Award, Nishina Memorial Foundation, Japan (2014); 国家JQ(2014);教育部CJ 学者 (2017); 科学探索奖(2020)。


Recent experiment has demonstrated that two CuO2 planes in a monolayer Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ (Bi2212) contain all essential physics of high-temperature superconductivity. Here, we study cuprate superconductor in the two-dimensional limit—monolayer of Bi2Sr2CuO6+δ (Bi2201) that contains only one CuO2 plane. The extreme thickness brings unprecedented tunability; we succeed in covering the entire phase diagram of Bi2201 with controlled oxygenation in a single monolayer specimen, enabling us to demonstrate an anomalous metallic ground state between the superconducting and insulating region. Although the high-temperature superconductivity, along with various other correlated phenomena, persists in the monolayer, for the first time, we discover the dimensional effect in cuprate superconductors: optimal transition temperature in monolayer Bi2201 is ~ 3 K lower than that of bulk samples. Our results establish monolayer Bi2201 as a new two-dimensional material with highly tunable high-temperature superconductivity and a minimal model system of cuprate superconductor.