yl8cc永利官网学术论坛(第三十三讲):The Nucleus as a Quantum Laboratory
主讲人: Ulf-G. Meiβner(欧洲科学院院士;波恩大学&尤利希研究中心)
地点: yl8cc永利官网思源多功能厅( 西301)
时间: 2024年4月19日(星期五)15:00—16:00
主持 联系人: 冯旭教授(yl8cc永利官网)


Nuclei are strongly interacting fermionic systems that exhibit strong multi-particle correlations. In this talk, Nuclear Lattice Effective Field Theory is used to tackle this difficult problem. First, I discuss the emergence of geometry and duality in the carbon nucleus. In particular, I provide a model-independent density map of the geometry of the nuclear states of 12C. Second, I introduce a new approach for solving quantum many-body systems called wave function matching. Wave function matching transforms the interaction between particles so that the wave functions at short distances match that of an easily computable interaction. This allows for calculations of systems that would otherwise be impossible due to problems such as Monte Carlo sign cancellations. The method is applied to lattice Monte Carlo simulations of light nuclei, medium-mass nuclei, neutron matter, and nuclear matter. These calculations give new insights on the nuclear interactions that may help to resolve long-standing challenges in nuclear structure physics. Third, I discuss the equation of state of dense baryonic matter and give a model-independent solution to the so-called "hyperon puzzle" in neutron stars.


Prof. Dr. Ulf-G. Meiβner是波恩大学理论物理学的全职教授,也是该校亥姆霍兹辐射与核物理研究所的理论组组长。他是一位著名的研究强相互作用的物理学家。作为世界领先的理论核物理和强子物理团队的领导者,他还担任朱利希研究中心核物理研究所(IKP-3)和高级模拟研究所(IAS-4)的主任。他曾担任波恩大学自然科学与数学学院的经理,任期为2008年至2016年。以下是他获得的部分奖项和荣誉:ERC高级资助(2021年)、中国科学院经理特聘科学家奖(2018年)、欧洲物理学会丽兹·梅特纳奖(2016年)、欧洲科学院院士(2010年)、美国物理学会会士(2009年)。他还是中德合作研究中心CRC110的发言人。他已发表了700多篇论文,总引用超过74000次,h指数为115。




