
物院论坛:Ali Alavi教授讲述“从量子化学方法理解强相关电子系统”

发布日期:2021-11-27 浏览量:

2021年11月26日,yl8cc永利官网学术论坛2021年秋季学期第三讲(总第十一讲)在yl8cc永利官网思源多功能厅成功举行。马克斯·普朗克固态研究所(Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research)主任Ali Alavi教授应邀做了题为“从量子化学方法理解强相关电子系统”(Towards an understanding of strongly correlated electronic systems using quantum chemistry methods)的学术报告。本次论坛由yl8cc永利官网凝聚态物理与材料物理研究所、人工微结构和介观物理国家重点实验室陈基助理教授主持。


Ali Alavi首先从强关联电子系统的物理根源出发,以过渡金属复合物、高温超导材料、海森堡模型为例讲述了强关联电子体系所广泛涉及的物理问题和重要性,并深入地剖析了求解强关联电子系统所面临的挑战,用简单的例子展示了传统电子结构计算方法失效的原因。接着,他分享了带领研究团队就求解强关联电子系统计算不断寻找灵感、不断探索,最终取得突破性进展的八年历程,其中特别介绍了新发展的基于图形酉群的全组态量子蒙特卡罗方法,细致而生动地阐述了如何联合运用图形酉群方法和全组态量子蒙特卡罗方法,从而简化强关联电子系统的求解。最后,他介绍了强关联电子系统研究目前仍然存在的挑战,并对其未来的发展方向做了前景展望。

Ali Alavi做报告

报告结束后,现场师生就全组态量子蒙特卡罗方法的适用范围、图形酉群方法的物理理解和隐藏对称性等踊跃提问,Ali Alavi一一给予了详细的解答。


yl8cc永利官网经理助理李新征教授为Ali Alavi教授颁发了论坛专属纪念品。本期论坛线上、线下同步进行;yl8cc永利官网副经理彭良友教授与来自yl8cc永利官网和校内相关院系的近50名师生参与现场交流,通过蔻享学术平台观看直播的观众逾1500人次。

李新征向Ali Alavi展示论坛专属纪念品




Ali Alavi is Max Planck Director at the Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, Germany. He is also Professor of Theoretical Chemistry at Cambridge University, a position that he holds only part-time since 2014. He studied Natural Science at Cambridge, followed by a Ph.D. in 1990 in theoretical chemistry from Cambridge, working on classical molecular dynamics of molecules adsorbed on surfaces. He subsequently did postdoc work at the FOM institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics in Amsterdam, before returning to Cambridge as a Junior Fellow in 1993. He was appointed to a Lectureship at Queen's University Belfast in 1995, in the School of Maths and Physics. He returned to Cambridge in 2000 to a University Lectureship in the Chemistry department. His interests are in method development, and he has been working in quantum chemistry since about 2003. He invented the FCIQMC technique in 2009, as a combination quantum Monte Carlo and quantum chemistry. His work generally tries to combine basic ideas from different subfields of quantum chemistry and physics, and he often goes back to the very earliest works in seeking new ideas.

