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2015-05-13 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 Search for Majorana and Weyl Fermions in Spin-Orbit Coupled Fermionic Gases
2015-05-12 清华物理系举办 Direct Imaging of Nanoscale Conductance Distribution in Novel Field-Effect Transistors
2015-05-12 清华物理系举办 Coupling Magnetism To Electricity In Multiferroic Heterostructures
2015-05-11 清华物理系举办 Spin Orbitronics: towards near-dissipationless spin based devices
2015-05-11 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 诺贝尔奖获得者 Klaus von Klitzing教授座谈交流会
2015-05-11 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 Direct Imaging of Nanoscale Conductance Distribution in Novel Field-Effect Transistors
2015-05-08 中科院物理所举办 A New International System of Units in 2018!? How my Nobel Prize Contributed to this Development
2015-05-07 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 纳米量子结构的构筑与物性调控
2015-05-07 清华物理系举办 Things you need to know about publishing your research
2015-05-06 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 细胞生命的起源(The Origin of Cellular Life)
2015-05-06 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 Topological Surface States in the Heavy Fermion Metals and Superconductors: UPt3 and β-YbAlB4
2015-04-30 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 石墨烯材料的拉曼光谱学研究
2015-04-29 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 Quantum Simulation
2015-04-23 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 The Physical Review Journals
2015-04-23 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 复杂氧化物界面二维电子液体的光电协同场效应
2015-04-23 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 GaN-AlGaN heterostructure grown on various orientations as UV light emitters
2015-04-22 清华物理系举办 Quantum Simulations and Quantum Measurements via Quantum Walks
2015-04-22 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 Ultrafast carrier, phonon and spin dynamics in topological insulators
2015-04-20 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 Simple Route toward Topological Photonics
2015-04-20 清华物理系举办 新型超导体的探索策略与研究进展

版权所有 量子物质科学协同创新中心
