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2015-08-31 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 永利集团“大学堂”顶尖学者讲学计划、永利集团百年物理讲坛第十四讲
2015-08-27 清华物理系举办 Cold molecular ions in traps: From cold collisions to precision measurements
2015-08-26 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 Polarized and Unpolarized Neutron Scattering of Strongly-Correlated Electron Materials
2015-08-07 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 Advanced abinitiomethods: Bridging electron excitation spectra measurementandH-bond structure in H-bonded materials
2015-07-08 Entanglement Entropy Scaling Laws and Eigenstate Thermalization in Many-Particle Systems
2015-07-07 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 Quantum Transport of Surface Dirac Fermions in Topological Insulators – from “half-integer” quantum Hall effect to “half-integer” AB oscillations
2015-07-07 清华物理系举办 Condensed Matter Physics: What Happened Since Ashcroft/Mermin and Where Is It Going?
2015-07-06 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 实用低温光学实验设计讲座
2015-07-01 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 Path Integral Liouville Dynamics
2015-06-30 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 Spontaneous Loop Currents and Emergent Gauge Fields in Optical Lattices
2015-06-23 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 Multiscale Modeling of the Growth of Nanoparticles
2015-06-23 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 The Route to Pure Dissipationless Quantum Anomalous Hall State
2015-06-18 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 Topological Kondo insulators and Topological Crystalline Kondo Insulators
2015-06-17 清华物理系举办 新材料的计算发现:材料基因组计划在能源和拓扑材料领域的应用
2015-06-17 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 Some novel effects in two-dimensional layered materials
2015-06-11 清华物理系举办 First-principles studies of complex oxides and their interfaces
2015-06-10 清华物理系举办 Highly Efficient Energy Transfer in Light-Harvesting Complex
2015-06-10 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 Heterostructures within atomic monolayers
2015-06-09 清华物理系举办 What makes Tc so high in FeSe/STO?
2015-06-09 北大yl8cc永利官网举办 Competing orders and symmetry breaking in underdoped cuprates

版权所有 量子物质科学协同创新中心
